The TeleCorder “MC” recorder series have new features as well as all previous features and functions of the TC. Part number MCwL-SSD, MCwL-SDHC, These units do not have a display but do have a new CPU with better audio quality processing speeds etc. dim. 5x4 and 4x4 with mounting flange. These units are great for mobile command vehicle installs. Powered via USB, 12v DC power or AC power supply. Applications for Police, Fire, Ambulances, Airports, Auto Repair Shops as well as many other business' where getting it right is important. Units are available with internal SSD (solid state drive) or removable external SDHC flash drive. Equipped with USB and LAN connections, with SW, these could be a powerful tool for your business.
MCwL-SDHC in command vehicles, are an excellent choice for any mobile app. After an event the SDHC card can be removed and calls can be played on a PC with the SW included. The MCwL-SDHC has an auto-formatting setting, so when the flash is removed it can be replaced with a new, raw out of the package flash drive and it will format and be ready for use at next event. This gives the user the ability to store the files with the report and always have on hand for review. Micro flash is a very inexpensive medium, 16 gig 1500 hrs record time. Will easily cover any event.
MCwL-SSD is also a good unit for mobile apps where it is connected to a PC or LAN to retrieve calls from the SSD for storage and playback at another location. Both units have a small footprint to conserve space in an already small area. They can also be used in small business applications. Units will fit in an equipment room easily. If in a common area they are not intrusive, set in a corner on a desk, a drawer or cabinet. The SSD and SDHC (not really necessary) have provisions for FTB backup to a location on your network where the calls can be accessed and played.
Install in police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, any vehicle to have a redundant backup recording made at the scene. If in remote areas where you may be out of range of the base or repeater tower you still have recording at the scene.
The units are easy to install and operate making them a great business tool. Don’t get caught trying to remember details of what was said, let the MC/TC recorders do it for you.
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